Jackson Daily News from Jackson, Mississippi (2024)

MONDAY, JUNE 3," 1918 JACKSON (MISS.) DAILY NEWS til- MARKET REPORTS HUN DRIVE HELD BY FRENCH BLOWS WASHINGTON ADMITS LOSS OF THREE SHIPS Classified Advertising -BY ASSOCIATED PRESS- (Continued from Page On) Cent to word each insertion, in advance. No Ad taken for less than 25c if for only one Insertion. (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) a- '111 STOCKS NEW YORK, June 3 The many substantial advances regiestered at tie opening of today's stuck market were accepted as an expression of confidence In latest war developments. Cains among steel and related industries ranged from 1 to 2 points in the first few minutes. Marines were extremely erratic, 1 tie preferred advancing almost two points, then reacting 3, Union Pacific and Heading were umong the firm to strong: rails.

Su northwest of Lens and west of Mer-ville. "A hostile raiding party was repulsed south of Villers-liretoiineux. ai in it i in imiiis PARIS. un 3. An allied offensive maneuver is predicted by Le Matin and the Patit 1'arisien.

They express the conviction that Generals Foch and 1'etain, who proved themselves good offensive men in subordinate com FOIt SALE Ileal Estate WANT TO THADE If the German admiralty expects to find the Americans unprotected because a great force of American destroyers has been concentrated in the war zone around the British isles, it will be mistaken, naval officers say. While the anti FOR HALE HOI'S HOUSE A Rill BARGAIN HOUSE WANTKD TO KXCI1ANGK A diamond ring for a rubber-tired surrey; must be in good K. C.Martin,' general delivery, city. COTTON NEW YORK, June 3 The cotton market wss nervous and unsettled this morning. The opening was July being 31 points higher, -w liile later months! showed decline's of to 21, points owing to tlie fine weather in the south, favorable private conditions figures, reports of further reserlctlons on l.ar,cashire mills arid labor conditions in New England.

July was influenced by the relative rirniness of the near months in Liverpool and there whs pome Liverpool buying of that delivery jiguln again sales of new crop munl'hs. After welling at 24 .84 i sarly, however, July broke to 24, 4S. or one point net lower while October sold ofT to 23.05 or 15 points under Sal ui day's dune. Two private crop reports were published, one placing the condition at fcl and the other at 81.2 with the latter showing an increase of 4 2 per cent In acreage. Fl were extremely new- Seven rooms and reception hall, screened In back porch.

Lot 70 by 150. Owner joining army. Must sell now. mands, will display the same qualities submarine craft in the war zone are in large number, the protection of the steamer lanes on this side of the Atlantic in the supreme commands of the al hasy walkniK distance. 011 jiaveu BOUSES FOR RENT car line; goou neiguuor- has not been overlooked and it is said there are adequate street and a a hood, 1'ri rlce 1450 cash, bal FOIt RENT ance can lie paiu anoui i.a per month, nils 13 your cnance 10 ei Five-room bujialow, Falrvlew 8L, large grounds, $25; S-room jbfa a nice home rneap.

matra Tobacco, Mexican Petroleum and Ohio Gas featured the specialties ut material gains. Liberty bonds were heavy. The reaction on the submarine reports of tho noon hour affected the entire list, most leaders not only forfeiting early gains but selling at la4 fractionally under last Saturday's final quotations. sh*t. pings were especially, heavy and rails also yielded.

Rallies of the last hour carried some C. C. HMITM THE MAN TO 8KB IS SMITH PHONJ8 73. Heidelherg pidg, lied and the French armies. AH the newspapers, according to a Havus Agency review believe that tffe eiiuili-brum seems to have been re-established on all points of the front and that the fluctuations are growing less in extent.

The German assaults are still furious and violent, whlk! the French resistance is fierce and energetic with numerous strong counter-attacks. Sunday the French held the enemy in check and even forced him to withdraw from some points. FOIl SALE 1 40 acres, all bottom land, this side of cottage, N. West street, 25; 4-room apartment, Minerva Ave, $22; S-room bungalow. Uailey C-room house, N.

Ccngreas $25; nice clean 5-room house, N. VVest $22; 4-room house, Amite $15; 10-roornliouse, North close in, $40; lurtre two-" story S. President $25; 10-room, Parke Mr. Tom W. Havls will have charge of rental department.

C. C. SMITH, THE MAN TO SEK 18 SMITH Phoim 73. lelrielber Bide. i industrials and specialties back to the lorces in nome waters 10 meet inenv The torpedoing of ships oil Barnegat, N.

followed by the report of more destructions off Naritucket shoals, nearly, two hundred miles to the north was taken as indication that the hostile submarines were operating in number and that the plan of the German admiralty probably was to concentrate the U-boats in a practical blockade of the principal ports of embarkation being used for American transports. Recurrent reports of German submarines on this side of the Atlantic have been closely examined by the navy department during the last week. Reports of one German high levels of the morning. The closing w.m strong. Liberty 3 l-2s sold nt 99.

70 to I'll. SO; first 4s at S3, fin to 93.70; second 4s at 93.30 to i3.tl4 and .84 to 4 'is at Country Club, on Clinton Rond, at a special bargain. Cash or terms. Also 160 acres on Livingston road, three miles North of Jackson; 16 acres ill l-ospedeza; good orchard; good hoURO unit bam; cistern and other improve, ments at a sacrifice. This is one of the prettiest places in Hinds County.

If you aitr-4nterested in buying a small or large tract or land, call or see li. FOUDHAV Harding Building; office phon 234; residence phone 310. pVlji I.IUI Hit5 OIUIIC bush*t mparatively small, and the ma 1 tendency to Kteady until late in the morning when reports of submarines operation' off the Atlantic coast caused renewed feverlshness. July broke from 24. 90, the high point of the morning, to 24.51, or within 2 points of Saturday's clone while October sold off to 23.UO or -0 points net lower The cotton market closed very Btiady.

A. Sug. A in. Can A. C.

Fdy. (IB I.Ylex. fet. 4 3 'i I Miami Cup. Steel r.ac.

FOIt SALE-8ceut! and Plant Am. Loco. KHI.M II HOLD AT A 1,1. I'OIVI'N SIMHV fA JUS, June 3. The French held the Germans everywhere last night.

Th enemy losses were heavy. The French took prisoners, the war office reporrs. The French counter-attacked along the whole front between tho Oureq and thj Marne and made progress at several points. 02 I .27 11 49r 22-Ti 7 1 103 86 43 fen. W.

1 -AO. (las 3S-ijN. Y. 14': Norf. 10S Nor.

St I O. I'enn Pitts. iltay submarine near the Virginia capes were current along Closing It iTATU slips. Can ship nt once Florida Yams. Queen, POrto Itico, Nancy Hall and Triumph, af $1.75 per l.ooo, in 5,000 lots or over, $1 50 tier Luoo.

J. li. Akin, Union City, Tenn. K-J-H Foft.SALK Wonderful Unknown Peas. Coal Fid Low.

FOR Two nice homes Just outside of city limits, with' five acres each; one twenty-acre farm two miles out. Ruey A violent German attack on both 'on Cop. 24 '4 Hampton Roads Saturday night. It wTas said navy flying l)oats, submarine chasers and other anti-submarine craft in 22.40 22.55 24 23 High. ...22.77 ...22.75 .24 .90 .23.40 .23.00 SfiH 27 22.50 22.53 23.45 23.00 2.71 terms.

Jan. July Oct. Dec. that district immediately went to sea in search of the Particulars and prices on applied Am. Linseed A.

S. Kef. Am. Sug. A.

T. iV T. Ariac. Cop. Atchison A.

J. V. I. Ha Id. Loco.

Halt. O. Hmii. st. Mr.

Can. I'hc. t'en. Lea. Ches.

Ai O. C. M. Ai St. 1 C.

H. 1. 1' Chtno Col. Fl. lr Corn I'rod.

u. Steel Cn. C. Sug. Mi1 I Reading 54HlKep.

Ir. St. M'iiSin. Oil Kef. MX So.

Mac fM'i'So. Hy. 57-HjStude. Corp. 22 22 to Kmoh nun sides of the road between Chateau-Thierry and Paris was broken up by the French.

The statement follows: "Our troops continued their counterattacks during the night along the whole front between the Ourcq and the raiders. Farms. Write or phon and ilaltlwanger. 3. A.

GORD1N, Over Hluea Atlto Co. 1'HONli 271 1-Mo-M-S 402-J. Lonaa son. Miss. The master of a British vessel arriving at Norfolk on Mi 23 'i 17-i 145 120 '4 92 IT!) Marne and gained ground at several 4 3's 23 41 40 lenn.

Cop. Texas Co. jTob. I'rod. I i n.

I'ac. 1 (. C. Stores C. S.

Ind. Al. May 27 reported having fired some shots at a submarine about 150 miles off Cape Henry. Other incoming ships at lints. A iolent German attack de livered on both sides of the road be- Feed oats, harvested during weelt of 1ay 14th; best seed we have ever offered.

We advise early buying of these oats for the labor shortage means more oats wll be planted. Write us your wants today. Solomon Ait Ouua, Headland. Ala. K-June-4 FOR SALK Two-story, eight room house on lot 100 by 15o feet in two blocks of street car line; convenient to the railroad and public school; healthy location, Price and terms if desired.

J. A. HODGE, Phone 66 Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL, June 3 Cotton, spit in fair demand; prices firm, Good middling 22. middling 21.54; low middling 21.01; good ordinary 20.01; ordinary 19.49. Sales 2.600.

including 1.700 American; receipts ld.OUO, Including ll.SOO American, Futures closed irregular. New contracts: 21.11(1; July 2o.fi6; Au ween Chateu-Th ierry and Paris was I S. Robber 211 1 broken up by the French tire soutn- Atlantic ports for the last few days have also brought reports of sighting submarines. ast of Hourescbes. Kvery where else the French maintained their positions.

The losses suffered by the enemy Kile 14 U. S. Steel 9K4 Gen. F.lec. I'tah 7S (ien.

120 (Wall. pfd. 'A' 42 lr. N. pfd.

Klec. 4 1 Vj (i. N. ore Ctf. 8 1 -U VVil-Ovi 1.

Ills. Cent. HA in. Tob. .155 Insp.

Cop. At). C. Line 1. M.

2S'Ali. S. Steel N3 11 these actions were heavy. The trench NANCY llal! sweet sale. Silo per 100, o.

b. Jackson, WANTED TO BUY A Navy Department statement announcing the sinking says: "The Navy Department has been informed that three American schooners have been sunk off this coast by enemy potatoe plants for $2.50 per 1.U00, f. Jackson College. K.J. 5 took hundreds of prisoners.

gust 19. September IS. S7; Oetolier IS. 42. Old contracts, fixed prices: June 20.49; June-July 20.41.

A I ong Submarine "Captain Newcomh of the stated that his vessel was attacked by a German submarine which boarded him, took away his papers and placed bombs on hoard. The captain atul crew took the boats. Captain New-comb stated that the submarine which attacked him was about 2o0 feH long, and carried two large guns, one forward and one aft, and a smaller ynn amidship. He states that he saw distinctly one other submarine beside the 1. M.

M. pftl. 102! Sea. A. Line 7 Ms Int.

Paper. .35 IS. St. lr. Ken.

Cop. 32 It'll. Km it 124 L. 115 IV. C.

Chem. 47 Max. Mo. 25BiN', V. 11.

II. 42" SKF.DS ANI PLANTS Felt SAl.lv Clay and PMolieS 662-7i8, Mr. Sperkled peas. i-kiinier. K-J-! WANThDWagoti tongues, bolsters and reaches; hickory axles and doubletrees, sawed or hewa.

Heecb, salt and oak plow-handle strips. Stock taken itreeri, Inspection at loading point. Terms csh when loaded. For specifications writ Dujrger A Gos-horn Memphis, or H. M.

Hale, Jackson, Miss. il-4-tf LIVE STOCK Ibj-I'oh AVItti I'epnln A liquid Digestive Laxative pleasant to take. Just try one 50c bottle for Indigestion or Constipation. adver which attacked him, the second one tisem*nt. De- WANTED Tone cars Holly logs, 10 inches and up diameter.

Six feet and op long Write J. Hodman, Hntties- Mis K-J-4 Memorial Exercises For submarine being in the near vicinity, PF.AK for sale $2 65 pr bushel, ml ted but Irons predominate. Solomon Hftidlaiol, Alt, 4 FO It SA Li; A utomolnlcH It A Hi IV IS 1 2 Cadillac for $250.00. See tt, st Auto Supply J. J.

Murphy, 333 East, Capitol street. K-J-io submerged with her periscope phow lug." MEXICAN BASE FOR parted Commander Fea ture Annual Meeting submarines. "The Fieamshlp Bristol, arriving at New York this morning, reported that the four-masted schooner Kdward H. Cole hy tinbimirines at 6:30 p. in.

Sunday, fifty miles southeast Parnegat, N. and that "the Hristol rescued the' crew and brought them to port. "It also rescued the crew of another sailing- vessel which wan sunk. Tho Bristol reported that she encountered a submarine 38 miles 01T Harngat at 4:20 p. m.

Sunday and that two submarines wefe operating in that locality- "The steamship Grecian reported that the schooner Jacob S. Haskell was sunk by guntlro by. a German submarine in the same general vicinity at noon Sunday. The crew was rescued. "It was also reported that the Isabella D.

Wiltey was shelled by sub The last Captain Newcomb saw FOR SALE Miscellaneous U-BOATS SUSPECTED Fop. SALE One I'eagan orelieMr (Continued from Page One) Hells, 1-2 octaves, low pIMi; also The annual reunion of liatliff's Bat one I-rank llolton long cor I-nit DverbMiil auto, 3-pHingr; good shape; uholies 4H bombs or with shell fire. They said net, and one Imss drum. All in ex tery, Confederate army, was no. it mis K-J-l tbey expected, that, after having reach cellent condition, and at bargain morning at the county court nou-e, the steamer she was making off at full speed.

The crew of the Cole was subsequently picked up by an American auxiliary naval vessel, brought to an Atlantic port last night and thence sent here by train. They were In charge by navy olllcials. The auxiliary vessel carrying1 the Kdward II. Cole's crew was pursued by the submarine but escaped by taking refuge in the Atlantic port. ed southern has.

is and replenishing prices. Hurry if you wont them. with practically all of the regular and Write No, 90. care Daily their fuel, the submarines would again turn northward and after having made honorary members in attendance. PERSONAL Memorial exercises were held 'n gas stove.

Pb cue M-lS-tf FOIt SALK Two 13 30 another raid return again for fuel How long this can be kept up, de honor of Captain Batliff, the com mander of the battery that has borne pended entirely on tho effectiveness of the search which American anti-suu- marines. his name since th early days of the HELP VANTK1 Male $100 UEWAItD Ladles, our month I compound never disappoints; surely relieves longest, most abstttiat. abnormal ease of snppresrtd menstrua. Hon in three aayn. Prte, $2, Southern Remedy Memphis, Term.

K-Jun-If ST. LOUIS'. June 3 Hogs: Pecelpts 7.500; higher. Lights 18.7551 16.1)0: pigs 16.26Ccl7.0i: good heavy 16. M): bulk 16.5ntfilS.90.

Cattle: Receipts slow. Native beef steers 11. Soft 17.60: yearling steers and heifers 9. BOW 15.50; cows 7.D013.75: Blockers 8 50 1 2 native calves 7.75f(14.oO, Sheep: Receipts 40; slow. Lambs 14.

005 17.00; ewes 12 1 4.. 00; cau-ners and choppers 7.00(ii.l0.00, Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. June SHoks: Receipts mostly 20 to 25 above. Saturday's average. Heavy butchers 16.40 i 16.6(1; light butchers 16.

60 10. So prime heavy 16.45(il6.C0: heavy packing 16. 00 4f 16-35; rough heavy 15.50ie 15.85; select light 16. 75M16. 90; medium and light mixed 16.40(016.65; bulk 16.60fal7.60; pigs 16.25 17.00.

Cattle: Receipts 15.000; opening slow Beef steers steady to strong. (BrjTfher 'stock steady ralvea active; Btockers and feeders steady. Sheep: Receipts native lambs receipts light; market weak; western lambs steady; bidding lOli 25 cents lower; light shorn lambs 17.35; prime natives 19.50; native ewes, best stock, 14.50itrl4.75; native yeaiiingR and veatlters market weak, PROVISIONS war between the states. muriiie. craft conduct- lir.

J. Button, pastor of the Firr.t divered the Dr. Hutton New Presbyterian Church, The fact that, the wasted all the value suit rise attack in home waters would give them in war on main address of Hie day. gave a short history of the life of GOVKKNMKST needs 20.0OO cbJkS at Washington, Examinations everywhere in June; experience unnecessary. Men and women dt-siiing government positions write lor free particulars to J.

Leonard i former Civil Service F.KSilier, 17 Kenois" Washington. D. C. K-J-10 troop transports attracted attention York Reports Work of Plungers It was pointed out that after all the LADlKfi- When delayed or Irregular use Triumph Pills, always depend--able. "Relief" and particular free.

Not sold dm stores. Writs National Medical Institute, Milkaukee. Wis Siin.fn)y.K-J-l7 present German eamUHign must be for the purpose of orea-ting an- impression that a strong patrol was being es tablished, while in fact only a few WANTKD Hoy with bicycle to do collecting. Apply to .1. A.

1 lodge. K-J-6 (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) boats actually are used. The effect sought would be to iin Captain itatliff. and spoke of the work done by the battery during Civil War. Daughters rff the C.

H. C. served mid-day lunch to the members of the battery. The memorial exercises will conclude this afternoon at six o'clock at the Confederate Park. Members of the community choir will take part, and all of the battery members will attend as well as the local chapter of the U.

D. S.U..:SM KS WANTED pede the movement of American troops, it was suggested, and al to the reports telling of one or more having been sighted in start a terromation campaign in the HKLP WANTED Female WANTKD A cook: Rood salary; house) furnished free if desired; only two people. Apply IZ1 North State street or call 67S. M-16-tt southern waters. United States.

WANTKD County representatives to sell stink In Mississippi for Southern Automobile Company. 1'osttlons worth $.. to $100 00 tier week. IC-perietice not necessary; lead furnished. Address Suite Ho3, Union a Plant It is believed that tiie widespread The attack upon American shipping almost at the very umois of German submarines near entrance of New York harlwr is.

taken to mean that der the American coast, prevalent for the ers' Hank Tiust Co. Meruphl ft' help wilh Apply S12 lent! MHV-lf, ist three weeks, were the work general house -Hunt street, or J-2-tf C1RI, to ot k. phone f.S ir.anv has at last inausrurated a submarine campaign to lerman sympathizers or spies wh" had advance knowledge of the raid anr break up transport of troops to France. WANTKD A Cook; Rood ROOMS AM) HOARD spread the reports to demoralize ship wages. Call June -lf i North Sti i CHICAGO, June 3 Butter steady.

Creamery 3 4 4 4 1.. Eggs higher; receipts 16,420 rases. Firsts 30 3-4; ordinary firsts 2G(y 29; at mark, cases included, 29(0 30. Poultry, alive, higher; fowls 27 1-2. ping and possibly retard transpor service.

DCKIflAW.K front I.OIK.E, SOTKE with board. Vl-xt. Phone JI.54. OKO, RANSOM. Tuner.

HUNS GOING INTO Phone A-l-tf SJSD GRAIN SHIP PLANT BUILT IN QUICK TIME BY BRITISH IiNDtiN, June 3 At a spot on the northeast coast of England which was an open field at the beginning of March there has been constructed In a manner which a correspondent of the Times describes as almost magical a fully equipped ulant in which the keels of two steamships already have been laid. By the end of November there will be a complete shipbuilding yard with eoght berts and a fitting-out basin, capable of completing a ship every two weeks. A force of 2,000 workers, Including many women, is employed there. lock. Pearl Lodge V.

A A.M. will hold special meititig this evening, June 3, All members (ire uiged to be special election of treasurer. W. K. PLEAS AKTS.

Secretary, J-3-U ASIA FOR FOOD present. ROOMS FOR RENT U-53 WAS FIRST FIGHTING U-BOAT TO MAKE ATLANTIC JOURNEY Although there have been frequent rumors of submarines having crossed the Atlantic since America entered the war none has actually before attacked American shipping on this side of the Atlantic. In October, 1916 the German submarine U-53 after visiting Newport, It. law in wait for British shipping off Nantucket lightship and got six victims. The crew of the Edward II.

Cole has been landed here. According to the survivors the Edward II. Cole was sunk 75 miles off the highlands of New Jersey yesterday TWu connecting rooms reasonable ASSOCIATED Pftlfl rent: Joininc bath; hot and cold wa ter; phone, gas, lev trie lights; sleep LONDON, June 3. The Germans are 4ii i i steaHilv pushing the tentacles of their ing pon-h; furnished or unfurnished. See them to appreciate them, V.

W. Itrndy. 412 Kast George street. K-J-4 economic control far into central Asia where they are buying up available rops, including cotton, and placing Foil KENT -Two comiectltiK rooms furnished for houso-keeplnnr. Will rent plnnly If desired.

Modern in every way. 234 North street; phone SMS. June-S-tf orders for many years ahead, says the' Daily Chronicle. The foundaliin of these developments in the German CHICAGO, June 8 Excejlrjit crop prospects had a bearish effect today on the corn market. Illinois crops In particular were said to be ten days ahead of the average at this time of the year.

Opening figures which ranged from T-5 decline to 1-2 advance with Tun and July 1.33 1-8 'to 1.33 1 w. tollowed by a material setback 1 in jund. Oats sympathized with the bearish Action of corn. After opening 1-8 to 1-4 lower with July 65 1-2 to 6-8, the market underwent an additional sag. Provisions rose at a result of the bullish aspect of the monthly figures on warehouse stocks.

A bulge in the hog market was also a strengthening factor. Corn: No. 2 yellow 1.62; No. a yellow, 1.5CV1.57; No. 4 yellow 1.321! 1.42.

Oats: No. 3 white 726 3-4; standard 72 l-2'u73t 1-4. trol of Humania and the Ukraine. Today In, the War BY ASSOCIATED PRESS 'Control of the Humaniaan and Uk The Board of Trustees of the Mississippi Ptate Penitentiary will, at their regular meeting in ths City of Jack-Son, on Tuesday, June 4th, 19IH, purchase the following supplies: All bids must be b. places named: Drugs, Hardware, Iuy Goods, Hhoes, Lumber anil Shingles.

Thirty (So) days' contruct for meat will be let. Fuiir months' contracts will be let en th following to. be delivered to the sA'eral farniar Coffee, Gasoline, Coal (ill, Lubricating Oil. Polorino, Cylinder oil, (ins F.nine Oil, Keif Engine Oil, and Axle Urease. The Hoard will offer for sale at this rainian harvests would provide Ger Foil HL.VT Second floor apartment.

Four rooms, nas and electricity. North end, near tftate; phone J204, June 2-tf afternoon. TWO SUBMARINES TOG ETHER SUNK THE EDWARD COLE many, not only in this, but in any future war with a complete solution (Continued from Page One) of her food problem, the hronicle ailds She would also, thanks to her FOIt RF.NT Front room ffirniahed. Apply to H0 Griffith street; plione 1S91. K-J-4 Two submarines attacked the Edward II.

Cole, accord unlimited access to central Asia, have little further trouble any bit ing to the commander of the vessel, Captain Newcomb. tropical, raw materials. FOR HKNT Two furnished rooms for couple without children; phone 2091. M-25-tt They appeared simultaneously, one on each side of the Her eastern policy can only be un meeting 5,000 bushels (more or less) Kur Corn to be shipped from Tchula, Rye: No. 2 nominal; No.

3 nomi done adequately by the Allies after they have achieved victory, but more Attempts ought to be made now FOR HKNT Front room, private bath; and B.omi bushels (more or Icfs) to be shipped from Purchiiian Miss, lllds must be F. O. P. nhippins point; also two cars cotton seed to be clone in. Address News.

nal; No. 4, 1.53; barley l.OOfil.26; timothy 6.0o(iS.OO; clover 1S.00 28.00. Dally May 11-tf frustrate present developments." shipiK'd from Tchula. and three Pork nominal; lard 20.47; ribs 21.60 FOR RIANT Nicely furnished front room with bath. 207 Minerva street; phone 413.

M-16-lf it 21. 87. cars (more or less) from Parchman. J. COM AN, Kecretarv.

BRITISH AVIATORS M-28-31 224 ROOMS for house-keeping, fith street: phone 4Tfi. oTifi: to cKi.nrroHs RAID TOWN OF KARLSRUHE vessel and signalled the captain to heave to. The commander on one of the submarines then boarded the schooner in a small boat and gave the crew' ten minutes to leave the ship. The crew took to their own boats immediately and the German sailors then planted bombs on the vessel and blew her up. Just before the explosion occurred an American steamship appeared in the offing and the U-boat immediately gave chase.

Two more American vessels, the Hattie Dunn and the Samuel W. Hathaway, have been sunk by German subma Letters of guardianship having been huge amount of Franeow.meriean stores at the booty including 500,000 artillery shells, much material and 1,000 vehicles. There has been little activity elsewhere on the western front. Including the American sectors. llriitsh airmen continue their bombing raids and have accounted for 25 Tnore German airplanes.

On the TouP sector in a combat between four American airplanes and six German machines one enemy biplane was shot down and one American machine was sent dow in" flames. German airmen have dropped bombs on hospitals behind the Hritish linet The raid lasted two hours. One hospital was demolished and a laro number of patients and workers -ere killed or wounded. Russia In Turmoil A counter-revolutionary plot which Involves a part of Russia has been discovered in Moscow and Petrograd. A state of siege has been declared in Moscow and many arrests have been made by the Holsbeviki government.

Serine important railway lines and junctions have been captured by mutinous Czecho-Slovak troops, while in WANTED Open. High. Low. Close. Corn: 1.31 1.31 1 2 7 1.2S"i4 July 1.33 1.32S 1.30 1.31 Vi Oati: June .69 .70 Julv fi5Vi Pork: July 4o, 7o 41.30 40.65 40.75 Lard: July 24.60 24.65 24.17 24 27 Sep.

2i.tr, 24.75 24 36 24.50 Ribs: July 22.22 22 27 21.92 22,00 hep. 22.55 22.72 22.40 2 2.45 ASSOCIATED fCSS AMSTERDAM, June 3. Four persons work. granted on the 14th day of May, 191R, by the Chancery Court of the First District of Hinds County, Mississippi, to the undersigned ns guardian of the estate of Harry A.Cramer, mm compos mentis, notice hereby nrlven to all persona having claims against said estate to present the same to the Clerk of said court for probate and registration according to law, within one year A 1 1 Job carpenter Hi. ill-; lie 20ir.

were killed, six seriously Injured aim many slightly injured when ten P.ritisn machines attacked the open town of Karlsruhe at 3 o'clock Sunday morn EMPIjOYMKNT WANTED ing, according to the Weser Zeitung, Hremen. Two of the Itritish airmen NKW YOHK tlKV were shot down, it is declared. The Hrittsh war oflice statement on rines. The Hattie Dunn, a three-masted schooner, was 115 feet long, 35 feet beam and 11 feet Her tonnage was 365. She was built at Thomaston, Maine, in 1881.

The Samuel W. Hathaway, a four-masted schooner. NKW YOHK, June 3 Mercantile paper, four and six months, Sterllnt 0-day bills 4.72 1-2; commercial 60 from this date or they will be forever barred. This the 15th day of May. 1918.

MERCHANTS RANK TRUST COMPANY. By O. li TA VUiR. Vice-President and Trust Officer, GKORGK liUTLKlt and L. C.

HAL-LAM, Solicitors, Guardian. M-15-22-23-J-5 aerial operations issiiPd Saturday day bills on banks 4.72; commercial WANTED POSITION In office, on road or city salesman, can furnish automobile. Over draft age. At Present Employed Desire change. Referenco present employer.

Address No. 33 care Daily News. K-J-S night reported a raid on the station and workshops at Karlsruhe. The statement said (hut one of the ma fci'-day bills 4.0 3-4; demand 4.7; 7-16: cabp-s 4,76 7-16. Bar silver 99V.

the south the Kiban and Don Cossock Time loans steady: 60 days 5 3-4 chines engaged in the raid had failed asked: HO days 5 J-4(i6; six months to return. MITK'K TO 3-4'(6. Call money easier: high 4' low 4: ruling rate closed 4il-2 last loan 4 was built at Brewer, in 1902. Details of the additional sinkings had not been received earlv this afternoon, but the report was that the vessels had fallen victims to the enemy somewhere off the New England coast. Clearing Way For War Revenue Bill STU1KI0 1 ACITVIi CITY ociotio mrtm Washington, June Nearly a WANTKD Competent grocerman desires position.

Have also had experience in bluck-smilhing and woodwork. Am also a grood farmer. Will work for reasonable salary. Address No. care Daily News.

thousand city employes went on strike Jiere today for higher wages. Most of them were employed in the street cleaning and water departments. They Guardian's Notice to Creditors ot Mrs. M. A.

Buckley, non compos mentis. Letters of guardianship having been granted on the 14th day of June, A. 1H1T, by the chancery court, of the First Judicial District of Hinds County, Mississippi, to the undersigned upon the estate of Mrs. M. A.

Htiekley, a non compos mentis, notice Is hereby given to nil persons having claims against said estate to present the same to 4he clerk of said court for probate and registration according' to law within one year from this date, or'they will be forever bared. Witness our signature, this June 1, A 1 91 S. MKKCHANTS RANK A TRUST Guardian By O. II. TAYLOR, its Trust Officer.

J-l-8-15 quit work wnen tneir demands tor a districts threaten revolt. The food situation in northern Ktissia Is said to be serious now that the Ukraine is in German control and that the Kuban and Don districts are being harassed by counter-revolutionary organizations, The late war summary of the Associated today followws: The Germans have carried their submarine warfare to American shores ami are attacking and sinking shipping ofT the Atlantic coast. Submarine attacks were reported this morning on vessels off the New Jersey shore and a number of craft ate know to have been sunk, as many os fifteen, according to one report. The German rush towards Paris between the Rivers Marne and the ourco, was halted last night, according to today's official statement from Paris, French troops stood their ground firmly at the point of greatest tin-pact, near the Marne, and In dashing counter-attacks drove the enemy back minimum of 13 day were not grant cd. WASHINGTON.

June 3. -Quick disposal of number of miscellaneous bills prepiuatory to the taking up of the new war revenue bill was expected when Congress met today. It is planned to start actual work on the revenue measure Thursday with Hie beginning of hearings the House ways and means committee. The Senate today received the army appropriation bill carrying which was passed by the House in record time last week. It was planned to refer the bill to the military committee, with expectation of having It reported back and passed late this week.

oners by the hundreds were taken by the French, who likewise cut the Germans un severely during the various engagements. Apparently the Germans made no farther f.ropre'-s durini; the niRht In other sectors, either on the other side of Chateau Thierry, alonir the marne and to the northeast, as the French are. reported holding their positions' everywhere. With the exception of a Rain of some ground by the P.ritish on the northern side of Flanders salient there has been no events of moment recorded on the other parts of the front. In other sections of the battle field to the northwest.

The main force of the German blow was directed alone; the road that runs from chateau Thierry to to Paris. The French met it astride that roal. to the satilheast of M'oiirosches, within less than two miles of the river, and broke the assault by their fire. Heavy fight ing- continued all night alonir the whole front northwestward to the oureii, a distance of about fifteen miles, the French drivins, home numerous counter attacks with there-suit that the Germans were rorced to give ground ot several places. Pris Bell-ans WANT position as clerk in store by yound man not subject to draft mt tint afraid of work; can start work, nt any time.

Pest of references given. Address No. 34, care Daily News. K-J-S YOUNG man, 19, good education, (rood habits, wants a for three months; had experience as salesman in drug store and general store. Address Box Magee, Miss.

K-J- WANTKD Good for 3 1-3 months by I'oindexter faculty. T'honn 2122. K-J-4 Absolutely Removes WE organize, finance, sell slock and make loans under declaration of trust. National 123 Madison street, Chicago, Ills. K-J-3 Indigestion.

Druggists refund money if it fails.25c.

Jackson Daily News from Jackson, Mississippi (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.